Author / Yoga Teacher / Mummy.

Writing is my first love and also my profession. I started off journaling as a child and grew into writing Memoirs, Journals and Self-Help books.

Deeply fascinated by the mind, I explore topics that affect the mind like Trauma, Mental Health, Personality Traits (and disorders), Relationship (& Family) Dynamics, Healing and Death.

Writing is how I make sense of the world, explore mind expanding topics and one day, how I'd make a full time income.

My first book is a Memoir called Naked:It is a powerful narrative about awakening and self-awareness. I use my personal experiences with religion, shame, mental health, fear, romantic relationships and death to highlight my journey from sleepwalking to awakening.

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Connect with Ese Walter
Ese Walter

Book Author

Writer - My writing explores the Mind, Human Relationships and Childhood Development